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Consequences of Ganja terror

On the night of October 17, as a result of a rocket attack on Ganja committed by Armenians, 13 civilians were killed and 48 were injured.

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan reported that, 3 of the dead were juvenile, 4 women and 6 men. 5 of the injured are juvenile, 20 women and 23 men. Two children are missing.

Our special correspondent Seymur Kazimov went to Ganja, visited some destroyed houses and met with residents. He also met with the wounded being treated at the hospital.

The house of the family which preferred to remain anonymous, collapsed, one pregnant woman received a leg injury

Fatma Shirinova was at home at the time of the incident and, fortunately, no one was injured

Nargiz Guliyeva was at her grandfather's house at the time of the incident. The ceiling collapsed

Anar Aliyev: It is dangerous to enter the room, the ceiling may collapse


Wounded, 66-year-old Aftandil Sadigov complains about double standards of the world

Wounded Shaira Guliyeva curses the Armenians who committed this crime.