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Weekly review of Azerbaijan's currency market

BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 15. The official exchange rate of the Azerbaijani manat against the US dollar, set by the Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic (CBA), remained unchanged this week, Trend reports.

The average weighted rate based on the results of the week was 1.7 AZN/1USD.

Official AZN/USD exchange rate
August 11.7August 81.7
August 21.7August 91.7
August 31.7August 101.7
August 41.7August 111.7
August 51.7August 121.7
Average weekly1.7Average weekly1.7

The official exchange rate of the manat against the euro has increased by 0.0024 manat. The average AZN/EUR rate has risen by 0.0039 and amounted to 1.7406 manat.

Official AZN/EUR exchange rate
August 11.7380August 81.7316
August 21.7645August 91.7329
August 31.7312August 101.7365
August 41.7280August 111.7480
August 51.7397August 121.7540
Average weekly1.7367Average weekly1.7406

The official exchange rate of the manat against the ruble has grown by 0.0001 manat. The average AZN/RUB rate remained unchanged



Official AZN/RUB exchange rate
August 10.0273August 90.0278
August 20.0274August 90.0275
August 30.0282August 100.0278
August 40.0278August 110.0278
August 50.0281August 120.0279
Average weekly0.0278Average weekly0.0278

The official exchange rate of the manat against the Turkish lira has dropped by 0.0001 manat. The average AZN/TRY rate has decreased by 0.0004 manat and totaled 0.098 manat per Turkish lira.

Official AZN/TRY exchange rate
August 10.0948August 80.0948
August 20.0950August 90.09847
August 30.0948August 100.0949
August 40.0947August 110.0951
August 50.0945August 120.0974
Average weekly0.0948Average weekly0.0948