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Weekly review of Azerbaijan's currency market

The official exchange rate of the Azerbaijani manat against the US dollar, set by the Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic (CBA), remained unchanged this week, Trend reports.

The average weighted rate based on the results of the week was 1.7 AZN/1USD.

Official AZN/USD exchange rate
May 161.7May 231.7
May 171.7May 241.7
May 181.7May 251.7
May 191.7May 261.7
May 201.7May 271.7
Average weekly1.7Average weekly1.7

The official exchange rate of the manat against the euro has increased by 0.0278 manat. The average AZN/EUR rate has risen by 0.0322 and amounted to 1.8155 manat.

Official AZN/EUR exchange rate
May 161.7683May 231.8004
May 171.7751May 241.8128
May 181.7904May 251.8199
May 191.7851May 261.8160
May 201.7975May 271.8282
Average weekly1.7833Average weekly1.8155

The official exchange rate of the manat against the ruble has reduced by 0.014 manat. The average AZN/RUB rate has edged up by 0.0019 manat and reached 0.0285 manat per ruble.

Official AZN/RUB exchange rate
May 160.0263May 230.0279
May 170.0265May 240.0292
May 180.0263May 250.0307
May 190.0268May 260.0281
May 200.0273May 270.0265
Average weekly0.0266Average weekly0.0285

The official exchange rate of the manat against the Turkish lira has dropped by 0.0027 manat. The average AZN/TRY rate has decreased by 0.0025 manat and totaled 0.1052 manat per Turkish lira.

Official AZN/TRY exchange rate
May 160.1097May 230.1066
May 170.1087May 240.1065
May 180.1069May 250.1052
May 190.1065May 260.1038
May 200.1065May 270.1039
Average weekly0.1077Average weekly0.1052
