MFA: Azerbaijan's Tartar city intensively fired by the Armenian side
28 September 2020
Azerbaijan's Tartar city is being intensively fired by Armenian Armed Forces from early hours of September 28, 2020. Enemy forces target civilians and civil objects of city purposefully, Press Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told about it.
Firing civilian population of Tartar city, Armenia demonstrates once more that it uses terrorism means against civilians and grossly violates international humanitarian law for the next time.
"Azerbaijani Armed Forces, which conducts counter-attack measures in response to new aggressive act of Armenia, declared that they do not fight against civilians, women, and children, carry out counter-attacks within the framework of international humanitarian law. Armenia's steps that are contrary to international law show that Armenia uses all means, as well as war crimes in order to achieve its new aggressive plans.
We call on the international community to condemn war crimes of Armenia, which target civilians purposefully", noted in the Ministry's information.
Firing civilian population of Tartar city, Armenia demonstrates once more that it uses terrorism means against civilians and grossly violates international humanitarian law for the next time.
"Azerbaijani Armed Forces, which conducts counter-attack measures in response to new aggressive act of Armenia, declared that they do not fight against civilians, women, and children, carry out counter-attacks within the framework of international humanitarian law. Armenia's steps that are contrary to international law show that Armenia uses all means, as well as war crimes in order to achieve its new aggressive plans.
We call on the international community to condemn war crimes of Armenia, which target civilians purposefully", noted in the Ministry's information.