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Jeyhun Bayramov: No final result regarding opening of communications

"The opening of communications, the opening of the connection between the western regions of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan were provided in the tripartite statements dated November 10, 2020, and January 12, 2021. Armenia is responsible for providing passage there without imposing restrictions on the Azerbaijani side. In January 2021, a tripartite commission was established under the leadership of the Deputy Prime Ministers of Azerbaijan, Russia, and Armenia regarding the implementation of works in this direction," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Jeyhun BayramovReport informs, citing Haber Global.

"Even though that commission started working, although more than a year and a half has passed, there are still no final results. Using various excuses, the Armenian side is delaying this issue. Of course, if we look at this issue today and the topics discussed in the commission, we can see a considerable convergence of positions during the past period. However, we believe that if there was a sincere intention here, it would be possible to conclude this issue long ago," Bayramov said.

In his opinion, the commission should not have any unsolved issues or topics that cause huge problems:

"We consider these as artificial delays. At the same time, the works done by Azerbaijan in its territory are proof of how seriously it approaches this issue, unlike Armenia. Because in parallel with conducting those negotiations, successful works are being continued on the territory of Azerbaijan in the direction of the construction of both land and railways up to the border of Armenia. The level of execution of the works is over 50%, and in 2023, Azerbaijan will complete the works on its territory in both directions."