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Getting rid of Russian fossils dependence possible only with energy saving – Commissioner

Getting rid of Europe’s dependence on Russia well before the end of this decade will be impossible without saving energy, said EU Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson at the IEA's 7th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency Opening Plenary, Trend reports.

“As the IEA's research shows, faster global action on efficiency now would, by 2030, avoid the use of around 28 million barrels of oil per day, which is almost three times the current daily production of Russia. The figures for gas and coal are equally impressive. This is why one important part of the REPowerEU is the Save Energy Communication, designed to boost the EU's the energy efficiency and savings measures and reap the benefits that come with them,” she said.

Simson pointed out that saving energy directly reduces energy bills and makes economy more resilient, because to put it bluntly: the higher the demand, the higher the prices.

“This is key as high energy prices have already hurt consumers and all industrial sectors – not only in Europe, but globally. Greater ambition is key here. Our plan focuses on achieving immediate energy savings through behavioural changes, which could cut gas and oil demand by 5 percent. We have proposed to make additional funding available for REPowerEU objectives under the recovery and Resilience Facility. The loans and grants together will amount to almost EUR 300 billion. We estimate that EUR 56 billion will be needed the additional investment for energy efficiency measures, including for the deployment of heat pumps in buildings, industry and district heating system,” she added.
