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Day of Remembrance to be marked in Azerbaijan from now on


In accordance with the decree of the President of Azerbaijan "On the establishment of the Day of Remembrance in the Republic of Azerbaijan" dated December 2, 2020, as a sign of deep respect for the soldiers and officers who gave their lives for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, September 27 will be celebrated annually in Azerbaijan as the Day of Remembrance, Trend reports.

A number of events are planned in this regard on September 27.

The Day of Remembrance in religious temples of Azerbaijan – mosques, churches and synagogues – bright memory will be honored and prayers will be read for the repose of the souls of the sons of the Motherland who gave their lives for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, the Organizing Committee noted.

On the territory of the whole country at 12:00, the memory of the martyrs will be honored with a moment of silence.

The National Flag of Azerbaijan will be projected on a number of buildings, including the Heydar Aliyev Center and the "Flame Towers" in the evening. The Public Association "Regional Development" of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation will hold commemorative events.

In connection with the Day of Remembrance, central and local executive authorities will organize a number of events throughout the country. Commemorative ceremonies will also be organized abroad.
