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Council of Europe Publishes Report on Execution of Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in Azerbaijan

The Council of Europe has released a report on the implementation of decisions made by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Azerbaijan. According to the report, the Committee of Ministers received 49 cases against Azerbaijan for supervision of their execution in 2022, compared to 46 cases in 2021 and 51 cases in 2020. On December 31, 2022, Azerbaijan had 285 cases pending execution, including 21 leading cases classified under enhanced procedure and 32 leading cases classified under standard procedure.

The report highlights the "Mammadli v. Azerbaijan" group case, which includes cases against prominent activists such as Anar Mammadli, Intigam Aliyev, Khadija Ismayilova, Leyla Yunus, Arif Yunus, Giyas Ibrahimov, and Bayram Mammadov. The Azerbaijani authorities have not yet overturned the verdicts in these cases and have not acquitted the applicants.

The report also notes that seven cases concerned violations of freedom of speech, three cases concerned the lack of an effective investigation into death or ill-treatment, two cases concerned violations of freedom of assembly and association, and one case concerned arbitrary expulsion. However, one case under Article 18 of the European Convention was closed, and the convictions of the applicants (activists Mammad Azizov and Shahin Novruzlu) were canceled.

The Azerbaijani authorities submitted a total of 47 action plans, action reports, and a message regarding the execution of decisions to the ECHR. The report also shows that full payment of the just satisfaction awarded by the Court was registered in 38 cases in 2022, while confirmation of full payment and/or default interests was awaited in 45 cases for which the deadline indicated in the Court’s judgment has passed since more than six months.

The Council of Europe's report highlights the importance of ensuring the execution of decisions made by the ECHR and the need for continued efforts to protect human rights in Azerbaijan.