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Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry shares information about meeting in Brussels

Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has disseminated information about the meeting in Brussels between President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan mediated and attended by the President of the Council of the EU Charles Michel, Trend reports.

"This meeting, which is a continuation of the joint meeting of the parties held on December 15, 2021, was dedicated to discussing the situation in the South Caucasus region, including issues of security, stability and peaceful development of the region,” ministry said.

The principles of Azerbaijan related to the development of the region at the post-conflict stage were widely discussed during the meeting, including the issues of full compliance with the provisions of the tripartite statement of November 9-10, 2020, continuing humanitarian steps to promote peace and trust between the parties, taking concrete steps to delimit and demarcation of the border of the two states, opening of transport communications. The President of the EU Council made a statement following the meeting, the ministry added.

The importance of humanitarian measures in terms of promoting peace and trust between the parties was emphasized during the meeting, including the importance of issues related to missing persons, de-mining.

It was noted that the EU will support de-mining, also rehabilitation and reconstruction work, held in the region, ministry said.

The foreign ministers of both countries were instructed to start preparing a peace agreement on the basis of the initiative put forward by Azerbaijan a year ago and the basic principles presented earlier by our country.

The importance of delimitation and demarcation of the border between the two states was emphasized and in this regard, it was decided to create a joint border commission before the end of April this year.

The importance of opening transport communications between the two countries, including railways and roads, was also noted. The EU once again declared its readiness to support the development of transport infrastructure.

The meeting of the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia in Brussels with the participation of the President of the Council of the EU is another important step taken in the interests of Azerbaijan to ensure the future development of the region in peace and security.
