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Azerbaijani, Armenian youth to meet in France

"10 Azerbaijani young people will be on a visit to Strasbourg on June 6-10 within the framework of program of Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) entitled "New cooperation directions within framework of Eastern Partnership of the European Union"," said French Ambassador to Azerbaijan Zacharie Gross, APA reports.

Ambassador has noted that Azerbaijani youth will meet with French, German, and Armenian youth there.

According to Ambassador, FGYO aims to participation in the reconciliation process between Armenians and Azerbaijanis in the context of peace talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which are supported by France, Germany, and the European Union: "The initiative was discussed in Brussels and was agreed at a meeting of leaders in December of the previous year. It is a joint initiative of Germany and France and realized within the framework of the "Eastern Partnership."

The diplomat noted that realization of the German-French reconciliation process is also possible between Armenia and Azerbaijan, they believe this: "Such meeting will take place in Strasbourg for the first time. We are very pleased that the younger generation supports peace and reconciliation in this region.

It is already time to create peace at both diplomatic, scientific, and cultural levels. I know that this may be difficult, but it is important".
