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Azerbaijani Armed Forces Reportedly Advance, Occupy Two Villages in Shusha Region

US and Azerbaijan officials have joined together in Baku to promote green energy solutions at the US-Azerbaijan Green Energy Forum. The forum, which is a collaboration between the Department of State and Azerbaijani Ministry of Energy, Renewable Energy Agency, and AZPROMO, aims to focus on green energy strategies and opportunities for the region. The forum featured nine US businesses that aim to contribute to Azerbaijan’s clean energy ecosystem. The businesses will provide technical and financial expertise to help Azerbaijan reduce its economic dependence on oil and gas exports and capitalize on the country’s renewable energy potential, including solar and wind resources.

Deputy Minister of Energy Elnur Soltanov presented Azerbaijan’s strategic goals and projects in the field of renewable energy at the forum, highlighting the country's potential for foreign investment. Meanwhile, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Global Markets and Director General of the US and Foreign Commercial Service, Arun Venkataraman, delivered remarks at the forum, emphasizing the US's commitment to help Azerbaijan achieve its clean energy goals.

U.S. Embassy Chargé d’Affaires Hugo Guevara also emphasized the importance of the forum in expanding energy cooperation and helping to build bridges between US companies and their Azerbaijan counterparts to grow green energy collaboration.

During his trip to Azerbaijan, Assistant Secretary Venkataraman will participate in bilateral meetings with senior Azerbaijani officials to discuss opportunities for enhanced trade and investment between the United States and Azerbaijan.