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Azerbaijan unveils consolidated budget revenues for 2021

Azerbaijan's consolidated budget revenues for 2021 amounted to 33.9 billion manat ($19.9 billion), which is by 10.07 billion manat ($5.9 billion) or 42.3 percent more than the forecast - 23.8 billion manat ($14 billion), Trend reports referring to the report of the Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers for 2021.

According to the report, 29.9 billion manat ($17.6 billion) or 96.2 percent accounted for the expenditures of the Azerbaijani consolidated budget in 2021 compared to the forecast – 31.2 billion manat ($18.3 billion), which is by 830.4 million manat ($488.5 million) or 2.8 percent more than in 2020.

“Despite the consolidated budget for 2021 was forecasted with the deficit worth 7.3 billion manat ($4.3 billion), the surplus worth 3.9 billion manat ($2.3 billion) was created,” the report said.
