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Azerbaijan talks record high cyberattacks during 2020 Second Karabakh War

Cyberattacks against Azerbaijan were record high during the 2020 Second Karabakh War, Director of the Electronic Security Service under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport Shahin Aliyev said, Trend reports.

According to Aliyev, to prevent these attacks, the Electronic Security Service, together with other agencies, carried out appropriate work, including measures on the public awareness about the widely spread types of cyberattacks.

"Armenia spread disinformation mainly on social networks. In order to avoid the spread of false information on behalf of our structures and the creation of clone pages, it was instructed to carry out activities to verify the web pages of government entities," he said.

In order to increase the security of social media profiles, users are still encouraged to periodically update passwords and use two-factor authentication, added the service’s head.
