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Azerbaijan sent next humanitarian aid batch to Ukraine

Azerbaijani government sent another aid to the people of Ukraine including medicines, medical supplies, and food with an aim of humanitarian assistance, APA reports.

The plane to deliver humanitarian aid to Warsaw Airport departed from Heydar Aliyev International Airport on April 21 at 14:30.

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Today, the Azerbaijani government sent another aid to the people of Ukraine, including medicines, medical supplies, and food, the Press Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan told APA.

Humanitarian aid with a total weight of more than 170 tons includes medicines and medical supplies worth 3.37 million manats, as well as food products worth 1 million manats.

The first plane to deliver humanitarian aid to Warsaw Airport will depart from Heydar Aliyev International Airport on April 21 at 14:30 with the participation of the Ukrainian Ambassador to Azerbaijan.

Notable on the instructions of the country's leadership, Azerbaijan sent about 550 tons of humanitarian aid worth more than 23.2 million manats to Ukraine on February 27 and March 12, as well as to Moldova on April 15.

Thus, the total amount of humanitarian aid provided by the Republic of Azerbaijan in connection with the crisis in Ukraine is 27.6 million manats (about 15 million euros) and weighs 720 tons.
