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Armenia hinders peace by committing provocations

The second Karabakh War that took place two years ago ended with a crushing defeat of Armenia, nonetheless, victorious Azerbaijan came up with the proposal of cooperation to achieve peace in the region, Member of Azerbaijani Parliament (Milli Majlis) Vugar Iskanderov told Trend.

He noted that today using the example of Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan’s policy, it’s possible to assess the policy pursued by Armenia as hypocritical.

Nikol Pashiniyan talks about peace during the meeting in Moscow and Brussels, pretending that he’s striving to sign a peace treaty. However, in reality, he is continuing to take provocative measures. Making visits to foreign countries, he asks for support from the leaders of individual states to restore his political image as well as revive the Armenian army, defeated in the war. Thus, Pashinyan's goal becomes clear. Emboldened by the approach of some Western centers and states opposed to achieving sustainable peace in the region, Armenia resorts to provocations that will once again lead to war," Iskanderov said.

He noted that the position, recently demonstrated by the Armenian government, using the example of Pashinyan, in particular, his speech at the forum in Vladivostok, based on the rhetoric of confrontation, resembles the situation during Tovuz events.

"At that time, the Armenian government used the same hypocritical policy and rhetoric. However, Armenia should not forget that the Tovuz events, or rather the provocations committed by Armenia at that time, subsequently led to the Second Karabakh war. Armenia should know that this time ‘Iron Fist’ will be more deadly, “ Iskandavor added.
