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About 546 mln. tons of oil produced from commissioning of ACG and Shah Deniz until now

During January-August of this year, based on operative data, 23,2 mln. tons of oil (including condensate) were produced in Azerbaijan. Oil (including condensate) production was approximately 1,8 mln. tons or 7,2% less compared with the relevant period of the last year, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Energy told APA-Economics.

“16 mln. tons of the oil produced countrywide fell to share of Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli (ACG), 2,4 mln. tons (condensate) – to the share of Shah Deniz. While production by SOCAR made up 4,8 mln. tons”, the ministry noted.

In eight months, 19.2 million tons of oil (including condensate) were transported for export and this is 1.7 mln. tones or 8% less than compared to the same period of January-August of 2019. 18, million tons of oil condensate were transported for export by the consortium and 0,8 million tons by SOCAR.

During the reporting period, compared to the relevant period of the previous year 25.1 billion cubic meters of gas were produced, an increase of 8.7%, or 2 billion cubic meters. 7.9 billion cubic meters of gas production was obtained from ACG and 12.3 billion cubic meters from Shah Deniz. During this period, SOCAR produced 4.9 billion cubic meters of gas.

During this period, the sale of gas amounted to 8,7 bln. cubic meters and this is 17,6% more than compared to the relevant period of the previous year. In January-August of the current year, 7.2 billion cubic meters of gas, which is 25.3% more than in the corresponding period of 2019 were exported to Turkey. The volume of the gas exported to Georgia amounted to 1,5 bln. cubic meters.

Note that during this period 2.8 bln. cubic meters of gas transported to Turkey via TANAP.

From June 30 2018 until September 1, 2020, about 6,7 bln. cubic meters of gas transported to Turkey.

 Since  ACG and Shah Deniz fields commissioned until September 1 of this year total 545,5 mln. tones of oil (together with condensate) was produced and 544,9 mln. tones of oil (together with condensate) was transported to export.

During this period, 172,8 bln. cubic meters of gas was produced from ACG, while 129,1 bln. cubic meters of gas was produced from Shah Deniz. Since Shah Deniz field commissioned until September 1 of the current year 85,7 bln. cubic meters of gas was transported to export.

In 8 months of 2020, oil refinery in the country made up 4 mln. tones. The oil refinery was 201 thousand tones less in comparison to the related period of the previous year. 
