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Mesut Ozil Facts

Author: Prof. Dr. Chingiz Abdullayev

The Turkic-speaking world is proud that Mesut Ozil, the winner of the 2014 World Cup, has gained worldwide fame in recent years. His views, however, caused him to be unfairly suppressed by the world's media representatives and politicians. Unlike Mesut, the silent attitude of Nobel Prize-winning writer Orhan Pamuk and German Bundestag member Cem Özdemir indicates their indifference to the Turkic-speaking world. Recently, Mesut Ozil supported Azerbaijani people's struggle for their territorial integrity against the Armenian aggression, in line with the spirit of the Turkic-speaking world. Mesut Ozil's stance complements Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's famous words "Azerbaijan's pain is our pain, its joy is our joy" and the Azerbaijani political leader Heydar Aliyev's expression of “one people, two states".

The Armenian state, which was defeated in the Karabakh War, fired heavy rockets at the ancient cities of Ganja and Barda, causing deaths of women and children. Following the events in Ganja, I wrote an article concerning the historical locations inhabited by Germans, such as Goygol (Helenendorf), Shamkir (Annenfeld) and Tovuz (Traubenfeld), titled "The threat to the German cultural heritage in Azerbaijan". To publish the article in the newspaper “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitungda”, I addressed the Professor Tilman Allert, a well-known sociologist close to the editors at the paper. However, in his response, he replied, "I don't want to get involved in politics”. This answer is surprising, given that Dr. Allert is the youngest son of Michael Allahverdin (1897), born and raised in Shusha. Dr Allert was part of the gathering dedicated to the Karabakh community during a visit to Baku in 2010. He evidenced the sight of Shusha refugees living in difficult conditions; but his recent reaction indicated apathy. However, wasn't it a political move to link his famous book “The salute to Hitler" to the social reality of Germans?

Thilo Sarrazin, a former member of the German Social Democratic Party and a prominent political leader, wrote in his book “Isolation of Germany” (2010) that the issue of depopulation and tightening immigration rules is not well-received in a democratic society. By 2009, he had sent a message to the magazine “Lettre International” as a politician who was ironic about the hijab of Muslim girls born in Germany. Former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, cultural scientist Peter Sloterdayk, writer and director Ralph Dmordana and Turkish sociologist Necla Kelekin were among those who supported the views of Thilo Sarrazin, who surprised the democratic society. However, the recent influx of migrants and their bizarre behaviour has rightly been greeted with concern by locals.


In contrast to Thilo Sarrazin’s approach, Professor Manfred Rommel, a leading representative of the Christian Democratic Party in Germany, a tolerant and liberal character, is considered an example of humanism. In the book "Holzwege zur Wirklichkeit", presented by Manfred Rommel to the author of this article, the philosophy of life is secular. Mesut Ozil's views are meanwhile also secular. Ozil's plea for persecution of Uighurs in China and the protection of the few Muslims oppressed in the camps stems from compassion. His protest was not aimed at the Chinese people, but at the perpetrators. Ideas of multiculturalism, embodied in the face of Mesut Ozil, are his source of kindness. The Spanish coach who criticised Ozil, described as very talented by France's Arsen Wenger and Italy's Andrea Pirlo, but known for his commitment to Arsenal in London, would lose out to the famous footballer if faced alone in the stadium.

The persecution of Ozil after a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in London ahead of the 2018 World Cup violated democratic principles. The 21st century disturbs the balance of a free way of life. Unfortunately, members of the socio-political and media influenced by religious views sometimes deviate from a fair position.

Interview with the London media in August, Mesut Ozil stressed the importance of supporting the “Black Lives Matter” movement around the world in solidarity with the progressive forces of humanity after the death of George Floyd. Emphasizing this fact, he also wished for a fair approach to Muslims, regardless of language, religion and race.

After two months of negotiations on HZ. Muhammad, famous people around the world have protested French President Emmanuel Macron. In recent times, under the influence of Western politics, multicultural value based on democratic principles have deviated towards the opposite pole.


The context of the article points at the process of increasing domination by national values in today’s globalized world. In this regard, the world is yet again being dividing by colors and religions. In today's world, political circles oriented by strength and weakness are moving from an old democracy to a "new" democracy.

Ignoring the third world’s struggles at the turn of the 21 century, the United Nations and international organizations are conducting a useless audience mission under the umbrella of international law.


I think that in order to save themselves from the universal injustice, people will turn to faith surrounding themselves with religious temples.